I held off buying initially as I was worried about all the problems being reported. I was torn between something top drawer like the FTDX-5000MP and an all things to all men like the FT-991.
The FT-991 should have been my choice of radio as soon as it came out. Its got all I want from a radio – decent receiver, battery capable, and one radio for all bands, all modes, both portable and base.
However, I was stuck in the “I like a traditional radio” mentality and kept buying and selling the FT-817ND/FT-857D/FT-897D but the receiver is just too noisy, even using an external speaker and DSP, they never stayed in the shack long. When the FTDX-5000MP went down to £3,600 including the station monitor, I snapped one up – my 3rd FTDX-5000 since becoming a ham back in 2008. Alas, I wasn't happy running on a uninterruptable power supply should there be a power cut and so I tried an FT-991. The FTDX-5000MP is going up for sale – as is the FT-7900 which becomes surplus to requirements.
I have only had it two weeks but my PA stage hasn't blown yet, even under some pretty tricky tuning cycles on the extremes of 160m using the YT-1200 ATU (which is excellent – used one on the FT-450D and FTDX-3000). My other fear was the longevity of the touch screen. That seems quite robust and I find myself saying “hey do you think anything lasts forever? Especially something costing only £1,150!”. OK the receiver isn't going to be hardcore like the K3 or the FTDX-5000 but remember the kind of pileups T32C DXpedition had to handle with just FT-450D rigs, well, I think following their achievements, anything is possible and the FT-991 is streets ahead of the FT-450D.
No, I am glad I didn't take the plunge on day one of sales of the FT-991 but now they seem to have sorted the bias issue on the finals and the firmware is a little more mature (I don’t use digital voice or APRS so not worried about those fixes being outstanding), I think this is the radio for me. And if it breaks? 2 year warranty and hey, after that I can just pay for a repair, its not like I have many hobbies.
The FT-897D boasted the perfect size and abilities for my needs, but the receiver was just too tiresome to use in anger. Now I have a compact radio that does everything I want. And I have to say, touch screen menu navigation instead of going into menus with physical buttons is so much faster. Last night 3 40m SSB state-side QSOs, barefoot 100w with an end-fed wire, one after the other, one in a pileup and I was like “yeah this radio breaks through”, all thanks to the microphone EQ used on the FT-950/FT-2000/FTDX-3000/FTDX-1200/FTDX-5000/FTDX-9000).
Other “shack in the box” options other than the limited FT-817/857/897 are TS-2000 – never liked the receiver on that (we have one at the local club), IC-7000 – heat issues prevented me daring to buy one and I am not a big fan of Icom’s look and feel and the limited microphone options. IC-7100 – want to like it, from videos, receiver doesn’t blow me away. IC-9100 – looks impressive but very expensive and its an Icom, which am not so keen on compared with Kenwood and Yaesu – perhaps unfairly. FT-847/FT-100/IC-706 MKIIG – old and often requires mods and options to get them up to spec.
Another excellent looking compact HF/6m radio (and 4m for those countries with 70MHz allocation) is the upcoming IC-7300, which I love the idea of but only would consider if the FT-991 became problematic. That said, I would miss having 2m & 70cm in the same radio.
If you check out my YouTube channel (search M0SAZ or Google a120068020), you will see I have owned a ton of radios, bought new then sold – I have “wasted” thousands of pounds with nothing to show for it except a lot of radio hardware experience. If the FT-991 behaves as it has the past two weeks I can finally start saving money once again and my search for my perfect radio would be over.
If your using C4FM, DN and another station transmits you can see his info and distance on your Yaesu FTM400, FT1D, or FT2D radio’s. There is no repeater audio ID in C4FM.