Yaesu-FT-991 Firmware Update Advice - FEAR OF UPDATING

Yaesu-FT-991 Firmware Update Advice 

Gentlemen . . .

Recent (and not-so-recent) posts have revealed underlying anxieties, especially among our newly-licensed friends, concerning firmware updates.  Because of the benefits, enhancements, and technical improvements inherent in each update revision, there should NEVER be a question as to whether or not one should do a factory-released update to one's radio, regardless of manufacturer.  Nor should there ever be a worry about "biting the bullet" or "messing things up."  If one follows the instructions, one will always succeed provided common sense is applied.  We all had to do it the first-time, sometime.

As to the common sense part of it . . .

1)  Disconnect every single cable to the radio being updated except the power cord.  Do not update using battery power.

2)  In keeping with what most manufacturers recommend, be sure the radio is OFF when disconnecting/reconnecting cables.

3)  Be absolutely sure the update cable is functional and of high quality.  If you're a cheap-by-nature guy, you receive no sympathy from me for cheap results.

4)  Understand completely the update instructions before you start.  An update is not a tutorial.

5)  If there is a UTILITY involved, be sure it is the latest version.

6)  Once the update process begins, do NOT touch any key on the computer, any knob on the radio, or any part of the radio's case.  Sit on your hands, don't squirm, and don't swivel the chair.  Murphy loves static electricity.  
7)  Once the update process is finished, wait until the software actually tells you it is finished (not just the progress bar).

)  Once the update process is finished, touch something metal before touching the radio.

9)  Once the update process is actually finished, turn the radio OFF, wait about 10 seconds, and then turn it ON to verify the software version has updated.

10)  Turn the radio OFF again to disconnect the update cable and reconnect accessory cables.

11)  If the software has a CONFIGURATION-SAVE feature, do it.

12)  Once you are successful using one computer, I'd retain it and use ONLY IT for future updates.  I'd keep the same operating system, too, but that's debatable.

13)  If there is a problem, know that software cannot physically harm hardware.  Most of the time a second try will succeed.  If not, call the radio's Tech Support.

14)  Others can probably add to this list, and are welcome to do so.

15)  The above has resulted in zero-glitches in my shack during innumerable updates over the last ten years to Elecraft, Ten-Tec, and Yaesu products. 

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